Alex Dire spends his days surrounded by kids. He has spent the past decade and a half learning and plying the craft of education with middle schoolers. When not on the job, he’s joyously bouncing around with two young boys of his own.
A native of Connecticut, Alex moved to Boston in 2002 to become a science teacher. There he worked in several middle schools. While in Boston, Alex picked up surfing and spent many a weekend scanning the shores of Hull, MA and Narragansett, RI. Alex has greatly enjoyed this aspect of his early mid-life crisis.
The Dire clan has since returned to Connecticut to be closer to family and old friends. Upon returning Alex has written a trilogy of novels. His Night School series details the adventures of a vampire teacher as he fights bad guys and protects his teenage students.
Alex's ritual gets him up at four in the morning to get his words out on the page. However, when the weather’s right, you’ll find his laptop closed as he’s off somewhere scanning the horizon for the next set.